日本語に翻訳 The color can be communicated and matched freely.
Life circle, Line:@459fblbu
Accessories material
Imported copper wire/UV resin/color-preserving accessories/Swarovski crystals
Purchase instructions
-Color difference: The product may be slightly different due to the display color Slight color difference, the products are subject to the actual color.
-Blackening of ear tips: The blackening is caused by welding at the factory, but in order to avoid allergic reactions, there is no electroplating brightening treatment. It is not a flawed area.
-Metal scratches: Due to the overlapping placement and friction during the transportation process, small scratches, small bumps, and slight paint peeling on the inside of the product are normal and not defective.
-Oil-drip jewelry: For processed products, it is inevitable that there will be small impurities, uneven oil dripping, and oil spills, which are not defective.
-Bending ear acupuncture: The material is mostly silver-plated, and the ear acupuncture is soft and very thin, so a slight bend is normal.
-Size error: The size may vary due to different measurements. 0.5-1 cm is normal.
-Sweat can damage the plating layer. If you are prone to sweating, bracelets/necklaces/rings are more personal accessories, improper cleaning or frequent wearing may cause jewelry to turn black.
Maintenance method
jewelry is made of copper wire braided and resin. It is recommended to put it back in the box after wearing it for fear of deformation and high temperature. If the resin part is stained with dust, wipe it with an alcohol cotton pad.
Origin Taiwan / handmade6405円花飾り世界牡丹花グループシリーズアクセサリー・ジュエリー楽天市場】【Arenca】 髪飾り 成人式 花髪飾り Uピン 11点セット【Arenca】 髪飾り 成人式 花髪飾り Uピン 11点セット フラワーポット入り インテリア パッケージ 選べる 3色 「ゴールドグレース」 姫可愛い 煌びやか レッド ゴールド ブラック くすみカラー 振袖用 お花飾り プリザーブドフラワー 成人式 卒業式 結婚式 着物 日本製 | 和装通販
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