日本語に翻訳 The austenitic stones in this workshop ★ all customized ★ to create a personal energy stone
►The bracelet material is medical steel chain (hypoallergenic), the size (including the entire length of the buckle) is about 17cm/ about 18cm/ about 19cm/ Approximately 20cm
►The buckle pendant is alloy
►The size of the Aogang ball is 12mm
►The contents of this store include one Aogang bead + two silver retaining buckles + medical steel bracelet, if you want to buy an additional Aogang bead, 1 piece of 280 Yuan (another store)
can choose the right crystal according to the balance of your personal chakras
beads use red agate (red corresponds to the sea chakra), sun stone (orange corresponds to the self chakra), citrine (yellow corresponds to the chakra) Solar plexus), olivine (green corresponds to the heart chakra), aquamarine (blue corresponds to the throat chakra), lapis lazuli (indigo corresponds to the brow chakra), and amethyst (purple corresponds to the crown chakra) corresponds to the seven chakras.
There are seven chakras in the human body. Chakras. The seven chakras correspond to seven different bodies. From bottom to top, they are divided into: physical body, emotional body (also called etheric body), astral body (also called rational body), mental body, Spiritual body, cosmic body (or karma body), and nirvana body. They are like layers of energy circles that surround our body on the outside.
#奥刚手链#能源饰品#奥根#奥刚#水晶# inspiration#手作#能源#Orgonite #能源塔#奥根塔#奥刚塔#energy pyramid#桃花运
* Because of each Aogang molds are filled by hand. The extrusion of epoxy resin and materials in the process will inevitably cause trace bubbles or manual traces, which does not affect energy. If you are concerned about buyers, please consider before placing an order. Exchanges are not accepted. , Thanksgiving!
** Each product is made by hand, with magic rituals and energy prayers, please do not buy in urgent cases.6405円新製品発売期間限定の特別オファーアクセサリー・ジュエリー開業3周年記念 夏の特別宿泊プランを発売! ~ 期間限定のお得なshuuemura.jp: 【最大50% OFF】black Fridayの特別オファーをお見逃し
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