日本語に翻訳 Nanette likes Japanese clothing very much, especially with lace on the clothes, adding a fresh, noble and unique temperament to enhance personal clothing taste.
During her studies in Japan, Nanette personally went to a college for the production of high-end lace to study the history and evolution of lace. Nanette used lace from Japan, the United Kingdom, and France, and was partly an antique treasure from the 50s to the 80s. Make unique ornaments for you who like to make hands and share the unique charm of lace ribbon!
seemingly exaggerated and complex combination that brings out an elegant temperament on the ears! Suitable for causal, banquets and other occasions, so that personal temperament instantly improve! The price of each piece depends on the number of materials. Welcome to inquire and order!
Nanette made it herself. Each one is made according to the character of the guests and their chosen lace style. Therefore, the finished product may be slightly different from the one in the photograph. It is recommended to contact Nanette before ordering.
produced by each order and is usually completed in 2 days from the date of delivery. Delivery is completed in about 3 days, cash on delivery.
If you are
for a hand, you can use the following information:
Dimensions, weight, materials used, whether you can change or change parts
use, precautions, maintenance, etc. Please check before ordering. Nanette will reply as much as possible!6132円ナネットアトリエ手作りジュエリー:京都ツアークラシックネックレスアクセサリー・ジュエリー名古屋と銀座のオーダーメイドジュエリー アトリエ・エヌツーナネットアトリエ手作りジュエリー:京都ツアークラシックネックレス
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