手作りレザー - モノクロニットキーリング
日本語に翻訳 The most simple thing
always simple
with pure color
to proclaim the world with your taste
full leather made
from cutting the skin, wrapping, weaving
are all done by hand
meticulous edging
Match the vintage beauty coin button
Simple key ring is not easy
◆The key ring is about 13.5cm in length, thickness is about 2cm, the diameter of the key ring is about 3cm, the diameter of the coin button is about 1.5cm
◆This item is in stock. Welcome to contact us.
◆If you need to change the color or the type of leather is [Custom] section, you must [Add 10% of the price], and contact us to discuss
※Leather Notes
◆Our products are made of natural leather
◆Natural leather will inevitably produce natural textures according to different parts. If not, please do not order
◆ Many inner layers Made of pigskin or cowskin, never made of plastic or fabric
Machine stitching and hand sewing will affect the fineness of the leather goods, but the production time cost is not the same. If you want to use hand sewing, please write letter to discuss
◆ The color of the leather produced by each tannery may not be "completely". Please refer to the pique type of the photo and the selection of the color ticket. Please write to us first if there is any in stock
※Other Precautions
◆ Due to the different colors of the personal screen, the reference color of the product will inevitably have a slight color difference. Please do not
◆If you are concerned about the color difference, we welcome you directly to the physical store to see the actual product and conduct customized discussions (Kaohsiung 1/F, 110 Shuguang Street, Yancheng District, Business Hours 12:00~21:00, it is recommended to contact us before you come.)
◆Every work is done by hand and it will meet your needs. To produce, so we do not provide return service, we will be very patient to discuss with you every detail, confirm
will not start until after production ◆ Handmade, it will take 7~20 working days or so (it will be decided according to the order quantity at the time). If there is something urgent, please discuss with us first (but please also give us 2 ~4 days of production time
◆Customized products are hand-made, no cash on delivery service is provided, only supermarket delivery service is provided.
◆Confirm details, and will start production after receiving payment (need to wait 7~20 business days)
◆We will use "carton box" to send it to you. We suggest you choose post office delivery. There will be no over-delivery and the status of lost items will occur6960円手作りレザー - モノクロニットキーリング財布・ケース・小物入れレザーキーホルダー【名入れ】まん丸キーホルダー⚫︎ネームタグ手作りレザー - モノクロニットキーリング キーリング 久韋革飾坊
手作りレザー - モノクロニットキーリング キーリング 久韋革飾坊
手作りレザー - モノクロニットキーリング キーリング 久韋革飾坊
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