日本語に翻訳 The eye can see through, but the cold wind can"t penetrate it; the seemingly thin scarf is full of soft and silky curls, intertwined into a fluffy and soft warm space, bringing unexpected warmth!
fluffy and woolen pure lamb wool warp thread gently buckles the delicate baby horse sea; the twill structure makes the fabric thicker and slightly more elastic, in addition to being very comfortable to the touch and touch, the thermal insulation effect is far Far beyond its thin and elegant shape, keeping warm in winter becomes easy and chic!
100% lambswool
Italy Immature mohair
length of 144 cm (stream comprising Jesus)
wide cm
Mohair is very soft and fragile, please be gentle when cleaning;
To avoid excessive felting and shrinkage of the fabric, do not use alkaline detergents, water temperature should not be higher than 40ºC, Do not rub excessively;
To avoid fabric deformation, do not wring/twist, and do not hang until dry.
handwoven by Carina
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