日本語に翻訳 The grooves on the disk surface are the traces produced by the body against the knife, which is much more laborious than striking with a hammer. But the impact of the knocking sound on my ears is less, which is much more pleasant for me who is used to quiet work. The more purely physical work is done, the more natural traces it feels can be retained.
rim of the plate is cut diagonally on all four sides, which is convenient for picking or discharging the tray.
Mahogany has thicker pores, and the material is peach red to reddish brown. It is found that the water dripping after washing is also reddish brown, which should be caused by the natural pigment of the wood. Therefore, when used as a utensil, the natural lacquer coating on the upper right is not only waterproof, but also can extend the service life.
Raw lacquer is the raw material used in traditional Japanese lacquerware. After the raw lacquer dries, it has excellent physical properties and also increases the texture of the utensils. The raw lacquer must be applied at least three times, depending on the material, to fill the pores. Sometimes sanding is added to make the paint film smoother, which is a complicated task.
⌡Wood species: mahogany grows in Taiwan. It is a fast-growing good material, generally used as building materials or furniture. Now that high-end Nanyang hard materials are difficult to achieve, some people also use them as alternative materials for Ming-style furniture.
⌡Size: about 19.5cm in length / about 10.5cm in key surface area.
⌡How to maintain the wooden tableware:
1. Wash and rinse with water on weekdays. Just wash it and wipe dry. Natural lacquer-coated utensils are recommended to be rinsed and then wiped dry, so as not to leave water marks on the surface of the utensils.
2. It can be cleaned regularly with diluted neutral detergent.
3. Keep it dry. Do not put in the dryer.
4. Avoid collisions and bites to extend the use period.
5. After using for a period of time, the natural edible oil on the surface can be used to restore the brightness.
⌡Notes for ordering:
1. Please confirm the required size and quantity, and the two parties agree on the delivery date.
2. The hand-made works are not industrial mass production products, and the size and proportion have their own buffer space, which can be accepted before ordering.5723円天然無垢材浅い鍋/中盘#台湾マホガニー_天然塗料コーティング食器・キッチン天然ムク材 | 無添加住宅のサカエプラス天然無垢材浅い鍋/中盘#台湾マホガニー_天然塗料コーティング 中皿 肌
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