手作り革製品 - アメリカンスタイルのはさみパッケージ
日本語に翻訳 Good tool can make you work more and more times
course also need a good scissors bag to protect it
planted with tanned leather handmade
because of the characteristics of vegetable tannery than other leather to a solid
so made objects Will be more tough
and hairdresser"s scissors bag in addition to look good
also consider the degree of durability
With the number of times to take the number of scissors
produced by the plant tanned leather scissors absolutely stand the test !!
color part will be made by hand-through-line.
because it is hand-
Therefore, there will be "slight color unevenness" and "brush traces"
But this is also a hand-made feature
Want to have a unique scissors bag for you?
Welcome to contact us
or discuss it directly to the store!
◆ Scissors compartment for 4 scissors, if you want to increase or decrease the number of scissors, please To discuss
◆ This is a vegetable tanned handmade.
◆ Scissors bag can be shoulder or back, please measure the height you want to back, and send us a message with
◆ This is "handmade leather goods" Approximately 20 days after receipt, please contact us by calling
◆ Our products are handmade and ordered according to individual needs. No return service !!
※ Reminder : This product is hand-made, so the next payment after the payment began to produce, waiting about one to two weeks
※ because each person"s screen color is different, the reference color is inevitable with the actual color "a little" color difference
※ This product is hand-made and will not be returned.
※ Our products are made of natural leather, and the leather will have some special lines due to different parts.
※ Choose the original color Vegetable tanned leather production will produce color changes according to your personal use.
※ color please "planted tanned leather hand-painted color reference" within the selection, and note in the column14309円手作り革製品 - アメリカンスタイルのはさみパッケージバッグ・カバンハンドメイド トラッカーウォレット-connectedremag.com手作り革製品 - アメリカンスタイルのはさみパッケージ boletas
手作り革製品 - アメリカンスタイルのはさみパッケージ boletas
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手作り革製品 - アメリカンスタイルのはさみパッケージ boletas
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【QUI】ペンケース・スタンダード・プエブロ (コッチネラ) | 590&Co.
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Amazon.co.jp: LUNARM トレーシングホイール 2個 - プロフェッショナル
Bahagia & craft/バハギア】アーチ型ペンケース クレイジーホース
ハンドメイド トラッカーウォレット-connectedremag.com