One Picture One Object/ホワイト クリスタル エネルギー クリスタル 14K ゴールド パック ネックレス


(税込) 送料込み



日本語に翻訳  ,挑選白水晶中的晶中晶製作而成,剔透的白水晶晶體中,包住小水晶柱,可360度觀賞不同角度的美,每顆均獨一無二。 晶石頸鏈適合日常配戴,為時尚又充滿魅力的你加添一份正能量。晶中晶如同愛的擁抱,你被滿滿的能量守護著、被愛和快樂包圍著。Happiness is a big hug.商品: Power Stone Necklace - Lovehug 材質: 白水晶晶中晶吊墜size: 12.5x21x8.5mm14k Gold Plated 包金保色頸鏈頸鏈長度: 最長46cm (可自由調節長度) 白水晶晶中晶 功效:▪️助願望圓滿達成▪️招財,助事業、愛情▪️阻擋負能量和負面磁場侵擾▪️擴大個人氣場能量場,提昇運氣際遇▪️又稱聖母水晶,可幫助想為人父母的人完成心願!天然水晶顔色、外觀、晶體各異,功效均有不同,亦對應人體不同脈輪,配戴者可通過水晶將其特有的能量注入人體中,調整並強化脈輪,回復身心靈的健康。︱SEPTETONE 水晶介紹︱每一顆天然水晶都是獨一無二的,這就是天然水晶的魅力,欣賞當中的與別不同,感受天然能量的共振,平衡身體的脈輪能量,讓您的身體發放健康、愛和熱情。Septetone 的水晶經人手嚴格挑選,感受水晶能量的細膩温暖,將這份愛與能量傳遞給您。︱有關尺寸︱● 頸鏈長度約45-46cm,配有活動扣可自由調節長短。︱有關商品本身︱● 每顆天然石的大小會有些差異,製作完成的商品長度不會與訂購的尺寸完全一樣,誤差±0.5公分以內皆為正常。●每批的珠子大小會有少許偏差,可能在於0.2-0.8mm。● 每顆天然石的色澤及紋理都是獨一無二的,實際商品無法完全與商品照片的天然石一模一樣,獨一無二的晶石就是美,就像您!● 天然石會有瑕疵屬於正常的,無可避免。所有天然晶石均有可能存在裂紋、棉絮、礦坑、平頭珠、黑點、雜質等小瑕疵,無法達到每顆珠子百分百完美,請欣賞和接納不完美就是完美。● 由於選擇商品尺寸不同,以及礦石的大小不會一模一樣,完成的商品排列方式全權由設計師依長度略做調整,不另外通知,如有特別的需求歡迎來信討論。● 如不確定尺寸選擇或者想客制其他的尺寸,歡迎來信與設計師討論。 ---------------------------------------------------------------︱有關使用及保養方式︱ ● 長期接觸到水、汗水、化妝品等,會加速金屬配件的鍍金和黃銅的褪色和氧化。● 不建議在睡眠、洗澡、游泳及溫泉區時配戴。●配戴後時建議可使用軟乾布輕拭,清除水分和污垢,將它置放於密封的袋子或盒子中,避免與空氣接觸。● 金屬配件內含黃銅,在接觸空氣下有機會發生自然的氧化情況。---------------------------------------------------------------︱注意事項︱ ● 因電子螢幕解析度各有不同,照片中的商品可能會產生些許的色差。● 如選購訂制的設計款式,訂購前請先詢問是否還有材料可製作。● 天然礦石難免有冰裂紋、雲霧、小礦缺,皆屬天然特徵,不屬於瑕疵範圍;拋光及打磨等商品,晶體切割時也難免會有削到邊或晶體,可能存在少許不完美,完美者請三思後確認再購買,天然礦石的美就在於它獨一無二的紋路。● 由於商品皆採客制尺寸,除非常明顯之瑕疵(參考上列瑕疵說明)外,不接受退貨、亦不接受商品尺寸問題或人為問題而退貨,如有任何問題必須在收貨後三天內來信告知。● 有關商品瑕疵退貨時,應一並返還贈品,且包裝內容物完整寄回,否則不受理退貨。● 如果因個人尺寸選購錯誤,導致須寄回修改,買家得負擔來回運費,依情況斟酌收費。● 有關客人收件地點所在國家/地區的一切稅項、稅務、收件問題或處理均由客人自行負責處理。"> [One picture, one object] White crystal crystal energy spar necklace, in the clear white crystal crystal, lies a small white crystal column, gently turning the crystal, you can see a rainbow light. There is only one piece of this item, please refer to the related pictures. 

Power Stone Necklace Power Stone Necklace , It is made of crystal-in-crystal of selected white crystals, and small crystal pillars are wrapped in clear white crystals, so that you can watch the beauty from different angles at 360 degrees, and each one is unique. Crystal necklaces are suitable for everyday wear, adding positive energy to a fashionable and charming you.

is like a hug of love, you are guarded by full energy, surrounded by love and happiness.

Happiness is a big hug.

Product: Power Stone Necklace - Lovehug
Material: White Crystal Crystal
Pendant size: 12.5x21x8.5mm
14k Gold Plated Gold Plated Color-Retaining Necklace
Necklace Length: Up to 46cm ( The length can be adjusted freely)

Efficacy of the white crystal crystal:
▪️Help wishes come true
▪️Luck money, help career, love
▪️Block negative energy and negative magnetic field intrusion
▪️Enlarge personal energy field, improve luck and chance

known as the
"s crystal, it can help people who want to be parents to fulfill their wishes! Inject the energy of the human body into the human body, adjust and strengthen the chakras, and restore the health of the body and mind.

Every natural crystal is unique. This is the charm of natural crystals. Appreciate the difference, feel the resonance of natural energy, balance the chakra energy of the body, and let your body release Health, love and passion. The crystals of Septetone are carefully selected by hand, feel the delicate warmth of crystal energy, and pass this love and energy to you.

︱About size︱
● The length of the neck chain is about 45-46cm, and it is equipped with a movable buckle to adjust the length freely.

︱About the product itself︱
● The size of each natural stone will be slightly different, and the length of the finished product will not be exactly the same as the ordered size, and the error is normal within ±0.5 cm.
●There will be a slight deviation in the size of each batch of beads, which may be 0.2-0.8mm.
● The color and texture of each natural stone is unique, the actual product cannot be exactly the same as the natural stone in the product photo, the unique spar is beauty, just like you!
● Blemishes in natural stone are normal and unavoidable. All natural crystals may have small flaws such as cracks, cotton wool, pits, flat-headed beads, black spots, impurities, etc., and each bead cannot be 100% perfect. Please appreciate and accept that imperfection is perfect.
● Due to the different sizes of the selected products and the size of the ore will not be exactly the same, the arrangement of the completed products will be slightly adjusted by the designer according to the length without further notice. If you have special needs, please feel free to write to discuss.
● If you are not sure about the size selection or want to customize other sizes, please write to discuss with the designer.

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︱About usage and maintenance︱
● Long-term exposure to water, sweat, cosmetics, etc. will accelerate the fading and oxidation of gold-plated metal parts and brass.
● It is not recommended to wear it while sleeping, bathing, swimming and hot spring area.
●After wearing, it is recommended to wipe lightly with a soft dry cloth to remove moisture and dirt, and place it in a sealed bag or box to avoid contact with air.
● Metal fittings contain brass, which may undergo natural oxidation when exposed to air.

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● Due to the different resolutions of electronic screens, the products in the photos may have a slight color difference.
● If you are purchasing a custom-made design, please ask if there are still materials available before ordering.
● Natural ores inevitably have ice cracks, clouds, and small ore defects, which are natural features and do not belong to the scope of defects; polished and polished products, crystals will inevitably have chipped edges or crystals when cutting crystals, and there may be a little imperfection. For those who are perfect, please think twice before purchasing. The beauty of natural ore lies in its unique texture.
● Since the products are all custom-made sizes, except for very obvious defects (refer to the defect description above), returns are not accepted, and returns due to product size problems or human problems are not accepted. If there is any problem, it must be returned within three days after receiving the product Send me a letter within days.
● When returning the defective product, the gift should be returned together with the contents of the package, otherwise the return will not be accepted.
● If you have to send it back for modification due to the wrong personal size, the buyer has to bear the round-trip shipping fee, and the fee will be charged according to the situation.
● All taxes, duties, delivery issues or handling regarding the country of the customer"s shipping location are the sole responsibility of the customer.7463円One Picture One Object/ホワイト クリスタル エネルギー クリスタル 14K ゴールド パック ネックレスアクセサリー・ジュエリーOne Picture One Object//Purple ブラック Super Seven 14k ゴールド
One Picture One Object/ホワイト クリスタル エネルギー クリスタル

One Picture One Object/ホワイト クリスタル エネルギー クリスタル

One Picture One Object/レインボーホワイトクリスタル Jingzhongjing

One Picture One Object/レインボーホワイトクリスタル Jingzhongjing

One Picture One Object/レインボーホワイトクリスタル Jingzhongjing

One Picture One Object/レインボーホワイトクリスタル Jingzhongjing

One Picture One Object/ホワイト クリスタル エネルギー クリスタル

One Picture One Object/ホワイト クリスタル エネルギー クリスタル

One Picture One Object/レインボーホワイトクリスタル Jingzhongjing

One Picture One Object/レインボーホワイトクリスタル Jingzhongjing

One Picture One Object/レインボーホワイトクリスタル Jingzhongjing

One Picture One Object/レインボーホワイトクリスタル Jingzhongjing

One Picture One Object/レインボーホワイトクリスタル Jingzhongjing

One Picture One Object/レインボーホワイトクリスタル Jingzhongjing

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One Picture One Object//Purple ブラック Super Seven 14k ゴールド

One Picture One Object//Purple ブラック Super Seven 14k ゴールド



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One Picture One Object/ホワイト クリスタル エネルギー クリスタル 14K ゴールド パック ネックレス
